Look what M got the week before Christmas!
So far she has mixed feelings about the pump. She likes not having to get shots and the freedom it gives her with what and when she eats. She does not like changing the pod. She also had a pod fail on her first pod change day so I had to change it twice in one day. She said next time she wants to try to do everything herself. Hey, whatever makes her feel more comfortable with it.
We even made a small Omnipod and PDM for her build a bear!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Still waiting for a pump
We started the process of getting M on a pump on September 26. At the class they told us she would be on a pump in between 2-4 weeks. Two months later and still no pump. We have run into several roadblocks. The first was waiting for Omnipod to call us back. Not sure why that took almost 2 weeks. Then it was waiting to see if the DME company that our insurance covers was going to carry the Omnipod. another 3 weeks to find out that yes they will. Then the problem was getting the paperwork from M's endocrinologist. In those 5 weeks M's Dr had left the practice. The Dr that she will be seeing from now on would not sign the paperwork. She stated that M was not her patient. We don't follow up again until December 10th. It took another 2 weeks to get this straightened out.
Finally with all the paperwork we need comes the insurance authorization. I know our insurance and I know this will take a long time. Then on Saturday I get a call from Omnipod. Seems our insurance needs more information. They want the notes from M's last 2 endo visits, her last two A1C labs, and a month of BG logs. Really???? They are going to take the time to look at all of that! Anyway, being a Saturday there was not much I could do to get the notes from the Dr. So that is what I will be doing today. I just hope we don't get a hard time from the Dr.s office again. The lady I spoke with from Omnipod said if I get her the information on Monday, we could possibly have the pump by the end of the week. Fingers crossed that this is true and M can be on her pump before Christmas!
Finally with all the paperwork we need comes the insurance authorization. I know our insurance and I know this will take a long time. Then on Saturday I get a call from Omnipod. Seems our insurance needs more information. They want the notes from M's last 2 endo visits, her last two A1C labs, and a month of BG logs. Really???? They are going to take the time to look at all of that! Anyway, being a Saturday there was not much I could do to get the notes from the Dr. So that is what I will be doing today. I just hope we don't get a hard time from the Dr.s office again. The lady I spoke with from Omnipod said if I get her the information on Monday, we could possibly have the pump by the end of the week. Fingers crossed that this is true and M can be on her pump before Christmas!
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Fall...(and I don't mean Autumn)
It all started with making a gingerbread house. There is a Christmas light display at a park near us that has a building full of gingerbread houses that kids in local elementary schools make. This year M has decided to make a gingerbread house for this. (She chose to make her house into a beach house with the ocean and fish). Anyway as we have to have this done by November 14th we started on it yesterday afternoon. As we were working on it I noticed M kept licking her fingers that had icing on them. She was having too much fun and I decided to just give her a correction at dinner. I knew she would be high but I didn't expect the 355. Just how much of that icing did she lick? Just to be sure I had her wash her hands and recheck. Yep it was right. I gave her 5 units to cover her dinner and for the correction.
She was fine most of the night. I checked her before her bedtime snack 127. Ahh, that's better.
Ten minutes later
M: Mom, I feel low.
Me: I just checked you, you were fine.
M: I feel really bad.
Me: Ok.
I check her. 65. What!?!?! No wonder she feel bad. That fast of a drop in 10 minutes. Out comes the Halloween candy. 15 grams of sour patch kids and 15 minutes later. 55!!!. Now she was feeling really bad, she didn't even want Halloween candy. "just give me juice" she said. Finally after the juice 89.
She had her bedtime snack and at 1 am was 200. Still she woke up this morning at 64. Back to the Halloween candy!
I'm not sure why she dropped so fast. Did she not wash all the icing off her fingers? Did I over correct? Next time we work on the gingerbread house I will be sure to scrub those little fingers of hers!
She was fine most of the night. I checked her before her bedtime snack 127. Ahh, that's better.
Ten minutes later
M: Mom, I feel low.
Me: I just checked you, you were fine.
M: I feel really bad.
Me: Ok.
I check her. 65. What!?!?! No wonder she feel bad. That fast of a drop in 10 minutes. Out comes the Halloween candy. 15 grams of sour patch kids and 15 minutes later. 55!!!. Now she was feeling really bad, she didn't even want Halloween candy. "just give me juice" she said. Finally after the juice 89.
She had her bedtime snack and at 1 am was 200. Still she woke up this morning at 64. Back to the Halloween candy!
I'm not sure why she dropped so fast. Did she not wash all the icing off her fingers? Did I over correct? Next time we work on the gingerbread house I will be sure to scrub those little fingers of hers!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Flu shot
Since we have made some insulin adjustments after M's last endo visit her blood sugars have been great. Pretty much nothing over 150. Unless ironically you count the day of the JDRF walk when she was in the low 200's, but I chalk that up to excitement.
Then on Friday M got her Flu shot. Went to bed with a reading of 134. Woke up Saturday morning at 198. What! She is consistently under 100 in the morning. Then at lunch somewhere in the mid 200's. (She has her meter with her at dance tonight so I can't check the actual number.) We corrected and went on. At dinner time a whopping 372! She ran in the upper 200's the rest of the night. Sunday morning she woke up with a low of 66. What was up with Saturday? The only thing I can think of is the Flu shot. I researched it and most of what I found said the the flu shot will not affect blood sugars. But then again YDMV (your diabetes may vary.)
Then on Friday M got her Flu shot. Went to bed with a reading of 134. Woke up Saturday morning at 198. What! She is consistently under 100 in the morning. Then at lunch somewhere in the mid 200's. (She has her meter with her at dance tonight so I can't check the actual number.) We corrected and went on. At dinner time a whopping 372! She ran in the upper 200's the rest of the night. Sunday morning she woke up with a low of 66. What was up with Saturday? The only thing I can think of is the Flu shot. I researched it and most of what I found said the the flu shot will not affect blood sugars. But then again YDMV (your diabetes may vary.)
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Getting ready for a pump!
During M's last endo visit she said she felt we were ready to start a pump. We attended pre-pump class this week. It was a class that went over the basics of pumping and gave an overview of the pumps M's Dr prefers. I was worried because I had already done my research and M and I have looked at some pumps, so we were already fairly certain that the Omnipod is the right choice for her. I have read that some pediatric endos don't use the Omnipod and when I asked at our appointment our endo said, you will see all the pumps we recommend at your pre pump class.
When we walked into the room all the pumps were on a table. There it was and Omnipod. I could tell M was happy because we had been thinking about a second choice (animis ping was her second choice). But she really wanted the Omnipod because of it being tubeless.
After the class I had to take a test on carb counting and on pump basics. Then the next day I called the rep at Omnipod to order M's pump. Now to wait to see what our insurance will pay. Our insurance is usually very slow to give authorization. I think M thought she would get her pump the next day. I told her lets hope to have it by Christmas. Wouldn't that be a great Christmas gift!.
Today was also of JDRF walk day. We raised $1,102. It was a beautiful day for the walk. M enjoyed getting her face painted and picking up all the free stuff from the various vendors. I participated in the Tial Net Study, and we even scored two sample vials of Humalog! We had a great time. I will post pictures later!
When we walked into the room all the pumps were on a table. There it was and Omnipod. I could tell M was happy because we had been thinking about a second choice (animis ping was her second choice). But she really wanted the Omnipod because of it being tubeless.
After the class I had to take a test on carb counting and on pump basics. Then the next day I called the rep at Omnipod to order M's pump. Now to wait to see what our insurance will pay. Our insurance is usually very slow to give authorization. I think M thought she would get her pump the next day. I told her lets hope to have it by Christmas. Wouldn't that be a great Christmas gift!.
Today was also of JDRF walk day. We raised $1,102. It was a beautiful day for the walk. M enjoyed getting her face painted and picking up all the free stuff from the various vendors. I participated in the Tial Net Study, and we even scored two sample vials of Humalog! We had a great time. I will post pictures later!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Endo visit...The good, the bad, and the ugly
This morning M had her second visit with her endocrinologist. I have been concerned because her numbers have been creeping up this summer. I also wanted to talk about getting her started on the pump before the end of the year. There is rumor or our insurance at work changing and I am worried about what our coverage will be next year.
I'll start with the bad. M's A1C was up. I knew it would be. It was not up as bad as I thought it would be though. Basically my suspicion that her "honeymoon" is over was confirmed. Some adjustments were made to her breakfast ratio's to see if that helps and she is mainly high before lunch. Will have to see if that helps tomorrow.
The good. We are signed up for pre-pump class on September 26. This does not guarantee that M will be pumping by the end of the year but it is a step in the right direction.
Now the ugly. M's endo was concerned about her scoliosis. She wasn't sure if it was getting worse. As this is not her area of expertise she referred us to pediatric ortho. Isn't diabetes enough for M to deal with. Of course I have been up looking at scoliosis treatment. It is basically bracing or surgery if the curve is bad enough. Hopefully her's isn't bad enough for this and we will just have to have it checked every 6 months. If she needs a brace I hope she will handle it as well as she's handling diabetes.
I'll start with the bad. M's A1C was up. I knew it would be. It was not up as bad as I thought it would be though. Basically my suspicion that her "honeymoon" is over was confirmed. Some adjustments were made to her breakfast ratio's to see if that helps and she is mainly high before lunch. Will have to see if that helps tomorrow.
The good. We are signed up for pre-pump class on September 26. This does not guarantee that M will be pumping by the end of the year but it is a step in the right direction.
Now the ugly. M's endo was concerned about her scoliosis. She wasn't sure if it was getting worse. As this is not her area of expertise she referred us to pediatric ortho. Isn't diabetes enough for M to deal with. Of course I have been up looking at scoliosis treatment. It is basically bracing or surgery if the curve is bad enough. Hopefully her's isn't bad enough for this and we will just have to have it checked every 6 months. If she needs a brace I hope she will handle it as well as she's handling diabetes.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
What Low Feels Like
I recently bought M a used pair of roller skates. They are the old-fashioned kind like I had as a kid, not in-line skates. She has been having a great time skating on our nice smooth newly paved driveway. She was doing good and wanted to roller skate up and down our street. We live on a dead end road with no traffic so I don't have to worry about cars. I was walking beside her and the road was not as smooth as our driveway so I said "do you feel vibrations from the road" She said "No, I feel like I'm low." I was ready to grab her meter when she said "I'm not really low, the road just makes it feel like it does when I'm low. It goes away when I stop skating." Though it was interesting to get a little of an idea of how she feels when she is low.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Hershey Park
I haven't been on here in a while but between vacation and getting ready for back to school its been busy. We recently took a trip to Hershey,PA and Hershey Park. We took our 10 year old niece V with us so M would have someone besides Mom and Dad to ride on rides with. As I approach a certain milestone birthday, I find I can't handle spinning rides anymore.
We stayed in Harrisburg, a short drive to the park, and got 2 day tickets to the park. The tickets include Hershey Park (which also has a water park inside it) and the Zoo. Chocolate world is next to the park. There you pay for the individual attractions that you want to do. We did the 4D movie and Chocolate tasting. When you buy your park tickets ahead of time you also get what they call a preview night. You can go to the park the night before for about 3 or 4 hours. This was great in letting us get to know the layout of the park so we could be ready to tackle the park and T1D the next two days. We also got to do a few rides and M discovered her favorite roller coaster the Wild Mouse.
I think I packed enough D supplies and insulin for a month for this 4 day trip. But when you take a 7 year old with T1d to the "sweetest place on earth" you never know! We had a great time in the park and also enjoyed the water park at temps were in the upper 80's. I did not ask about anything like a guest assistance card for M and we did OK without it. The do offer a fast pass that you can buy for $50 but is just for roller coasters. M isn't a big coaster fan, so for us this wasn't worth it. Most of the rides she and my niece chose to do had shorter lines. I think the longest wait was around 30 minutes.
The hardest part to manage was the food. Simply put the food at Hersheypark is terrible. Basically bad fast food. Chicken strips, hot dogs, hamburgers, mac and cheese... They do have one sit down restaurant where we did eat dinner one night and I was never happier to eat a salad! After our first day we learned not to eat lunch in the waterpark area. There are very few choices with long lines and once you are in your bathing suit you are not allowed in other areas of the park unless you change. We waited in line for over 30 min for a hot dog and fries only to have M tell us she didn't like the fries.. of course after I had given her insulin for them. It was hard to find her something else to eat where I wouldn't have to wait in line for a half an hour. I did carry glucose quick sticks with me for lows but I really did not want her to eat them for her lunch! The second day we were there we learned our lesson and had lunch before going into the water park area. Minimal lines for food and more choices. M and V were happy to find pasta.
We had a great time and I think all the walking helped keep M's blood sugars in check and what better way for a girl to treat a low than with some cotton candy!
We stayed in Harrisburg, a short drive to the park, and got 2 day tickets to the park. The tickets include Hershey Park (which also has a water park inside it) and the Zoo. Chocolate world is next to the park. There you pay for the individual attractions that you want to do. We did the 4D movie and Chocolate tasting. When you buy your park tickets ahead of time you also get what they call a preview night. You can go to the park the night before for about 3 or 4 hours. This was great in letting us get to know the layout of the park so we could be ready to tackle the park and T1D the next two days. We also got to do a few rides and M discovered her favorite roller coaster the Wild Mouse.
I think I packed enough D supplies and insulin for a month for this 4 day trip. But when you take a 7 year old with T1d to the "sweetest place on earth" you never know! We had a great time in the park and also enjoyed the water park at temps were in the upper 80's. I did not ask about anything like a guest assistance card for M and we did OK without it. The do offer a fast pass that you can buy for $50 but is just for roller coasters. M isn't a big coaster fan, so for us this wasn't worth it. Most of the rides she and my niece chose to do had shorter lines. I think the longest wait was around 30 minutes.
The hardest part to manage was the food. Simply put the food at Hersheypark is terrible. Basically bad fast food. Chicken strips, hot dogs, hamburgers, mac and cheese... They do have one sit down restaurant where we did eat dinner one night and I was never happier to eat a salad! After our first day we learned not to eat lunch in the waterpark area. There are very few choices with long lines and once you are in your bathing suit you are not allowed in other areas of the park unless you change. We waited in line for over 30 min for a hot dog and fries only to have M tell us she didn't like the fries.. of course after I had given her insulin for them. It was hard to find her something else to eat where I wouldn't have to wait in line for a half an hour. I did carry glucose quick sticks with me for lows but I really did not want her to eat them for her lunch! The second day we were there we learned our lesson and had lunch before going into the water park area. Minimal lines for food and more choices. M and V were happy to find pasta.
We had a great time and I think all the walking helped keep M's blood sugars in check and what better way for a girl to treat a low than with some cotton candy!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
JDRF fundraiser
Last night was our first fundraiser for the JDRF walk and team Mighty M. I have a friend who was is a Zumba instructor and she had a special fundraiser class for JDRF. We had a great time and between the Zumba class and Chinese auction raised almost $400. M had a great time and Zumba'd along with us.




Saturday, July 27, 2013
The dog ate her lancing device!
This is what happened when M left her meter and lancing device where the puppy could reach it. I'm just glad that it wasn't the meter he decided to chew.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
M 1, diabetes 0
Last night as I was getting M ready for bed, we were having some snuggle time. We use this time to talk about our day or read a book. I asked her if anything was bothering her. What I really wanted to ask is "is there anything about diabetes that is bothering you"
She said "Well there is one thing, Zach" She went on to tell me about a kid at her summer camp that was always getting in trouble for doing things he shouldn't be doing. So then I asked her "is there anything about diabetes that bothers you?" I just wanted her to know that if she needed to talk about it she could.
She looked at me confused and said, "No, why would that bother me?"
I know that it hasn't been that long since her diagnosis and I'm sure that one day she will get tired of the finger pricks and shots and measuring her food. But for now, diabetes has no hold over her. It doesn't bother her. Take THAT diabetes!
She said "Well there is one thing, Zach" She went on to tell me about a kid at her summer camp that was always getting in trouble for doing things he shouldn't be doing. So then I asked her "is there anything about diabetes that bothers you?" I just wanted her to know that if she needed to talk about it she could.
She looked at me confused and said, "No, why would that bother me?"
I know that it hasn't been that long since her diagnosis and I'm sure that one day she will get tired of the finger pricks and shots and measuring her food. But for now, diabetes has no hold over her. It doesn't bother her. Take THAT diabetes!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Memories of Grandma
Tonight as I was getting M's nighttime does of Lantus ready. I got a became a little sad. This sadness had nothing to do with M's T1D, but rather the memory that that little vial of insulin triggered. Usually we keep M's insulin in the cupboard at room temperature, but because it has been so hot and I'm not sure our air conditioner can keep up, I have been keeping it refrigerated. When I took that vial of insulin out of the fridge, it took me back to over 25 years ago. You see my Grandma was a type 2 diabetic.
As long as I can remember my grandma took insulin injections. I remember being a little girl sitting at her kitchen table, watching her fill her syringe and give herself a shot in her thigh (for some reason it was always her thigh.) But what I remember most was that when she took that vial of insulin out of the refrigerator she would roll it around in her hands a little and it would make a clicking sound as it rolled back and forth over her wedding band.
So tonight as I got M's insulin ready, I rolled in back and forth in my hand just to hear the sound of it clicking over my wedding band. I smiled and remembered my grandma. I wish she were still here for M to meet. I'm sure they would have great times together, just as I did with her, they could "roll" their insulin together and listen to the sound it would make in my grandma's hands.
As long as I can remember my grandma took insulin injections. I remember being a little girl sitting at her kitchen table, watching her fill her syringe and give herself a shot in her thigh (for some reason it was always her thigh.) But what I remember most was that when she took that vial of insulin out of the refrigerator she would roll it around in her hands a little and it would make a clicking sound as it rolled back and forth over her wedding band.
So tonight as I got M's insulin ready, I rolled in back and forth in my hand just to hear the sound of it clicking over my wedding band. I smiled and remembered my grandma. I wish she were still here for M to meet. I'm sure they would have great times together, just as I did with her, they could "roll" their insulin together and listen to the sound it would make in my grandma's hands.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
After a month of rain, the hot, sunny, humid days of summer are finally here. This is the kind of weather M and I live for (I know we're crazy). Anyway, this weather has meant lots of pool time for us. M is little fish in the water.
We swam and were outside all day Saturday and Sunday. Sunday night she stayed at my Mom's house. My mom is her backup pancreas after me. She is her D-grandma. Again she spent all of Monday outside and in the water. My mom brought her back home at dinner time dressed in her soccer uniform as her first game was last night.
Her blood sugar before dinner was 201. Not great, but not horrible, I corrected, she ate dinner and we headed to her soccer game. At soccer she was 247. I thought maybe the adrenaline sine it was her first game. She had a great time at soccer, even playing in 90 degree weather!
When we got home and I was getting her ready for bed, I checked her again 311. What?!?! After running around for an hour? Could it still be adrenaline from her game? I didn't think so since she is not super competitive.
Then I got her bath ready, took off her soccer shirt and found the culprit. Sunburn. She had a pretty significant sunburn on her back (even though she had been wearing lots of sunscreen). I did some research and found that sunburn can increase blood sugars. But then again, doesn't everything. We put on some aloe and hopefully her sunburn and her blood sugars will be better today.
We swam and were outside all day Saturday and Sunday. Sunday night she stayed at my Mom's house. My mom is her backup pancreas after me. She is her D-grandma. Again she spent all of Monday outside and in the water. My mom brought her back home at dinner time dressed in her soccer uniform as her first game was last night.
Her blood sugar before dinner was 201. Not great, but not horrible, I corrected, she ate dinner and we headed to her soccer game. At soccer she was 247. I thought maybe the adrenaline sine it was her first game. She had a great time at soccer, even playing in 90 degree weather!
When we got home and I was getting her ready for bed, I checked her again 311. What?!?! After running around for an hour? Could it still be adrenaline from her game? I didn't think so since she is not super competitive.
Then I got her bath ready, took off her soccer shirt and found the culprit. Sunburn. She had a pretty significant sunburn on her back (even though she had been wearing lots of sunscreen). I did some research and found that sunburn can increase blood sugars. But then again, doesn't everything. We put on some aloe and hopefully her sunburn and her blood sugars will be better today.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
An (almost) perfect day
We have been dealing with diabetes for about 6 months now. Today her number were finally all in range (almost). She did have one slight low at 67, but she was in the pool for about 5 hours today. I feel that when she was first diagnosed I was afraid of her going low, so I probably underestimated carbs in her food. Now that I know she can feel a low I've gotten a little more aggressive in her management. I feel that we are finally getting the hang of this thing called diabetes. I don't want to say that I am getting "comfortable" with her diabetes because I will never truly be "comfortable" until there is a cure.
A few short months ago I would have never been able to handle a day like today. It started with breakfast at IHOP where she chose to have the funny face pancake. It's a chocolate pancake with chocolate chips and whipped cream. My husband made fun of me for asking for sugar free syrup to go with this, but I really didn't want to add any more carbs to this crazy breakfast.
In the afternoon we went swimming. M swam for about 5 hours. She did several blood sugar checks and all numbers were in range until just before we were done swimming. We also had birthday cake as today is my husbands birthday. M had a small piece for her snack and the icing came in handy to treat her low after swimming all day.
For dinner M had pasta, which I have never been able to correctly give her insulin for. I decided to add 15g carbs to what I had the carb count for the past at because she is always high after pasta. It worked! In range number at bedtime!
Maybe I am not so bad of a pancreas, but then again who knows what tomorrow will bring. I almost hated to write about her great numbers today as I feel it will jinx us for tomorrow!
A few short months ago I would have never been able to handle a day like today. It started with breakfast at IHOP where she chose to have the funny face pancake. It's a chocolate pancake with chocolate chips and whipped cream. My husband made fun of me for asking for sugar free syrup to go with this, but I really didn't want to add any more carbs to this crazy breakfast.
In the afternoon we went swimming. M swam for about 5 hours. She did several blood sugar checks and all numbers were in range until just before we were done swimming. We also had birthday cake as today is my husbands birthday. M had a small piece for her snack and the icing came in handy to treat her low after swimming all day.
For dinner M had pasta, which I have never been able to correctly give her insulin for. I decided to add 15g carbs to what I had the carb count for the past at because she is always high after pasta. It worked! In range number at bedtime!
Maybe I am not so bad of a pancreas, but then again who knows what tomorrow will bring. I almost hated to write about her great numbers today as I feel it will jinx us for tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
What can a 7 year old girl with type 1 diabetes do (part 2)
I haven't blogged for a while. After our trip to Cook Forest. I was one of the 11 out of our group of 20 that came down with a stomach bug. None of the kids got sick, thank God M didn't get it. I hate dealing with her being sick on top of D.
I wanted to write about some of the fun things we did on our trip, and to show that even with D, M was able to eat and do everything that she has did before D. The only thing we didn't get to do was go canoeing, and that was because of the weather, not because of D.
We went horseback riding. M's horse was named Snickers. Perfect for her as Snickers are her favorite candy bar.
We climbed the Fire Tower (over 100 steps to the top). M did this FOUR times. Me, I'm afraid of heights so I only went up once.
Enjoying the view at Seneca Point.
Taking a nature walk.
Panning for "gold"
Feeding the animals at the petting zoo
Eating a homemade fruit popcicle
And my favorite... Having her own tattoo parlor on the back porch of the cabin. She was giving glitter tattoos to all her cousins!
She also enjoyed eating S'mores and participating the the kids talent show by the campfire. We had a great trip and can't wait to go back next year!
I wanted to write about some of the fun things we did on our trip, and to show that even with D, M was able to eat and do everything that she has did before D. The only thing we didn't get to do was go canoeing, and that was because of the weather, not because of D.
We went horseback riding. M's horse was named Snickers. Perfect for her as Snickers are her favorite candy bar.
We climbed the Fire Tower (over 100 steps to the top). M did this FOUR times. Me, I'm afraid of heights so I only went up once.
Enjoying the view at Seneca Point.
Taking a nature walk.
Panning for "gold"
Feeding the animals at the petting zoo
Eating a homemade fruit popcicle
And my favorite... Having her own tattoo parlor on the back porch of the cabin. She was giving glitter tattoos to all her cousins!
She also enjoyed eating S'mores and participating the the kids talent show by the campfire. We had a great trip and can't wait to go back next year!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Our first trip with D
This weekend was our annual trip to Cook Forest in Pennsylvania with my husband's family. We have been doing this trip for about 8 years now. About 20 people go and we rent four cabins to stay in. We usually enjoy horseback riding, canoeing, campfires, hiking and s'mores! This is our first time going since M was diagnosed with D. The hardest part of the trip (at least D wise) is that each cabin is responsible for a different meal. This left me no control over what M would be eating or when she would be eating. It was very difficulty timing her snacks. I also really didn't know carb counts on foods even though I brought my scale and measuring cups.
These were just a few of the numbers we saw this weekend, with several in range numbers in between
M wasn't quite as active as I had anticipated. It rained most of the weekend so we were cooped up in the cabin for a while. We didn't get to go canoeing as the river was too dangerous to let kids on. So she was getting numbers like this.
So then I changed her insulin to carb ratio to offset inactivity and guess what...the rain stopped and she had numbers like this.
M also has a string of a BG of 134 four time in a row. 2am check 134, wake up 134. snack 134, lunch 134. At one point I thought the meter was broken. Maybe I should play that number in the lottery. This morning I found her getting into my backpack. I asked her what she was doing in there and she said "I feel low" She was getting her meter and testing herself..sure enough she was low.
\. I will post more of my pictures from this weekend later, for now I just want to sleep in my own bed!
These were just a few of the numbers we saw this weekend, with several in range numbers in between
M wasn't quite as active as I had anticipated. It rained most of the weekend so we were cooped up in the cabin for a while. We didn't get to go canoeing as the river was too dangerous to let kids on. So she was getting numbers like this.
So then I changed her insulin to carb ratio to offset inactivity and guess what...the rain stopped and she had numbers like this.
M also has a string of a BG of 134 four time in a row. 2am check 134, wake up 134. snack 134, lunch 134. At one point I thought the meter was broken. Maybe I should play that number in the lottery. This morning I found her getting into my backpack. I asked her what she was doing in there and she said "I feel low" She was getting her meter and testing herself..sure enough she was low.
\. I will post more of my pictures from this weekend later, for now I just want to sleep in my own bed!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
What can a 7 year old girl with type 1 diabetes do...(part 1)
I've been meaning to write and post pictures about M's dance recital for a few weeks now. Her dance recital was the Thursday before father's day with rehearsals earlier in the week. M take ballet, jazz and hip hop. She also does gymnastics one day a week too!
So my title for this post is what can a 7 year old girl with T1D do? Well she can be part of a three and a half hour dance show where she was in three dances, plus the finale. She can get through a 5 hour dress rehearsal and a two hour staging rehearsal. By the way this is when she actually was able to feel a low for the first time-I guess trying to do a arabesque with a low blood sugar would be kind of difficulty.
During the show she wanted to stay backstage with her friends instead of coming to the audience with me between her dance numbers. I let her go. We checked blood sugar when I dropped her off back stage. She had her meter and some juice. I felt better that one of the mom's backstage helping out was a nurse,but she still wouldn't be able to give M her full attention because she was in charge of so many little girls. So I made sure M knew to check before they started to line up to go on stage. I gave the mom my cell number and told her to text me with any issues. I went backstage at intermission and tested her blood sugar and gave her her Lantus injection and her snack. I was a little concerned that her blood sugar was high but figured it was the excitement.
She did a great job with her dances and finally smiled on stage (she has been dancing for four years and would not smile on stage)
After the show I found out why her blood sugars were high. She said all of her friends were having a snack so she ate some of the candy I left her to treat a low, then she ate the snack I bought back at intermission. Now I know next year to leave her snack backstage and just let her eat it when she wants.
This is what a 7 year old with T1D can do. Dance, stay with her friends and learn that the candy is her purse is just for lows!
So my title for this post is what can a 7 year old girl with T1D do? Well she can be part of a three and a half hour dance show where she was in three dances, plus the finale. She can get through a 5 hour dress rehearsal and a two hour staging rehearsal. By the way this is when she actually was able to feel a low for the first time-I guess trying to do a arabesque with a low blood sugar would be kind of difficulty.
During the show she wanted to stay backstage with her friends instead of coming to the audience with me between her dance numbers. I let her go. We checked blood sugar when I dropped her off back stage. She had her meter and some juice. I felt better that one of the mom's backstage helping out was a nurse,but she still wouldn't be able to give M her full attention because she was in charge of so many little girls. So I made sure M knew to check before they started to line up to go on stage. I gave the mom my cell number and told her to text me with any issues. I went backstage at intermission and tested her blood sugar and gave her her Lantus injection and her snack. I was a little concerned that her blood sugar was high but figured it was the excitement.
She did a great job with her dances and finally smiled on stage (she has been dancing for four years and would not smile on stage)
This is what a 7 year old with T1D can do. Dance, stay with her friends and learn that the candy is her purse is just for lows!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
A day with her BFF
It has been really hot and humid here the past few day's. Yesterday M's best friend KP wanted her to come over and play on her new blow up waterslide. I didn't know whether to let her go on her own or to go with her. She has gone there once on her own, but only for about an hour, and once with me for a end of school cookout. I decided to let her go without me. If she didn't have D, I would not be tagging along to friends houses and I don't want to tell her she can't do something because of D.
M takes MDI so the plan was to drop her off right after lunch and pick her up before dinner. She would only have to eat a 15 g carb snack and take no shots. She did great. She even called me because she decided she didn't want the snack we had planned but wanted watermelon instead and wanted to know how much she could have. Surprisingly she had no lows, even with running around on the water slide and trampoline. She is asking about a sleep over at this friend house, I told her I'd have to think about it and we would either have to teach KP's mom to giver her her shots or I would have to run over and give them to her. But I think this may be possible by the end of summer.
M takes MDI so the plan was to drop her off right after lunch and pick her up before dinner. She would only have to eat a 15 g carb snack and take no shots. She did great. She even called me because she decided she didn't want the snack we had planned but wanted watermelon instead and wanted to know how much she could have. Surprisingly she had no lows, even with running around on the water slide and trampoline. She is asking about a sleep over at this friend house, I told her I'd have to think about it and we would either have to teach KP's mom to giver her her shots or I would have to run over and give them to her. But I think this may be possible by the end of summer.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Conversations overheard
This is a conversation I overheard between M and my husband tonight.
Dad: M can I have a bite of your cookie?
M: No daddy you can't because I'm type 1 and you're type 2.
Dad: Why does that matter?
M: I take insulin and you don't so I have to eat my cookie.
The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes explained by a 7 year old.
Dad: M can I have a bite of your cookie?
M: No daddy you can't because I'm type 1 and you're type 2.
Dad: Why does that matter?
M: I take insulin and you don't so I have to eat my cookie.
The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes explained by a 7 year old.
Friday, June 14, 2013
I think my daughter has a built in CGM
I have noticed a trend with M lately. Let my start by saying that M has had a tic disorder since she was about 2 years old. She has hereditary transient tic disorder. Basically she has different tics she does and her tics will change every few months to maybe a year. Some examples of her tics have been sighing (her first tic), nodding her head, rolling her eyes, squeaking, coughing and blowing on her fingers. Sometimes I don't even realize what she is doing is a tic until one of my sister in laws (who's daughters also have tics) asks "is that her new tic?"
Right now she has two tics of choice (is it a choice?) She blows on her fingers or she will cough. Usually her tics increase when she is tired or anxious about something (for example the first day of school.) I have noticed another trend with her tics. They increase when her BG is over 200, especially as it approaches 250. This probably is also why her tics where so bad January, right before her diagnosis. I am going to have to keep track of this to see if it continues to correlate this way. Now if only we could find something to alert me to lows!
Right now she has two tics of choice (is it a choice?) She blows on her fingers or she will cough. Usually her tics increase when she is tired or anxious about something (for example the first day of school.) I have noticed another trend with her tics. They increase when her BG is over 200, especially as it approaches 250. This probably is also why her tics where so bad January, right before her diagnosis. I am going to have to keep track of this to see if it continues to correlate this way. Now if only we could find something to alert me to lows!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Pain in the Ass
M has been very open about having diabetes. She will tell anyone that she has diabetes. With me it's more of a need to know basis. Sure our friends and family know about her having T1D. But I don't make a practice of telling people I don't really know about it like she does unless a need arises. Today was one of those days.
We were at the park and she was playing with a girl who was there with her grandparents. The girl went to her grandma for a cookie so M came to me for her snack. It was close enough to her snack time so I gave her her 15g carb afternoon snack that I had brought with us. After they were done they went back to playing. This is when Grandma brought out the fruit roll ups. Gave two to the girl and said "give one to your friend." I stopped her and said, "thank you, but she can't have that right now. She has diabetes and already ate her snack."
I was waiting for one of the usual comments
---but she's not fat
---she must have ate a lot of candy and pop
---she doesn't look sick
or my all time favorite
---my aunt lost her leg to diabetes
I was mama bear ready to defend my girl. But instead the grandpa said "Diabetes, that must be a pain in the ass." I was ready to contradict him but stopped because even though M can do everything that she did before D, yes sometimes diabetes is a pain in the ass.
We were at the park and she was playing with a girl who was there with her grandparents. The girl went to her grandma for a cookie so M came to me for her snack. It was close enough to her snack time so I gave her her 15g carb afternoon snack that I had brought with us. After they were done they went back to playing. This is when Grandma brought out the fruit roll ups. Gave two to the girl and said "give one to your friend." I stopped her and said, "thank you, but she can't have that right now. She has diabetes and already ate her snack."
I was waiting for one of the usual comments
---but she's not fat
---she must have ate a lot of candy and pop
---she doesn't look sick
or my all time favorite
---my aunt lost her leg to diabetes
I was mama bear ready to defend my girl. But instead the grandpa said "Diabetes, that must be a pain in the ass." I was ready to contradict him but stopped because even though M can do everything that she did before D, yes sometimes diabetes is a pain in the ass.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Bad Pancreas
Today I was a bad pancreas. This morning M had staging rehearsal for her dance recital (dress rehearsal is on Tues and the show is Thurs.) Anyway we had to be at the auditorium at 9 this morning. M had her usual breakfast and we got her ready, rushed to there it time to find parking, as parking downtown is horrible. I thought the fact that she left two small strawberries would be fine as her morning BG was fairly high for her. I should have know better since she has been having a run of lows. I really meant to check her again when we got there but in the rush of finding parking and getting her in on time just forgot.
I was watching her practice her ballet on stage and noticed she just seemed off, she wasn't lifting her arms the full way up and just didn't look right to me. After she was done she came running to me, "Mom, I feel low." She has never felt a low before (even when she had a 46). As I was getting her meter out I asked "how do you feel?" She said her legs felt "shaky" I checked her and she was 60. A juice box and granola bar later she was at 115. She did her jazz and hip hop numbers just fine. I guess 2 small strawberries really do make a difference.
I was watching her practice her ballet on stage and noticed she just seemed off, she wasn't lifting her arms the full way up and just didn't look right to me. After she was done she came running to me, "Mom, I feel low." She has never felt a low before (even when she had a 46). As I was getting her meter out I asked "how do you feel?" She said her legs felt "shaky" I checked her and she was 60. A juice box and granola bar later she was at 115. She did her jazz and hip hop numbers just fine. I guess 2 small strawberries really do make a difference.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Last day of school lows
I don't know what's up with M's numbers today. Maybe it was the dance party for the last day of school, or the fact that she told me she had a doughnut at school so we skipped her afternoon snack. She also went to her friends house after school and was jumping on the trampoline. Make's me wonder what I did (and I realize it is probably nothing I did, it is just how D is behaving today)
I know these are not bad lows, but right now she is not where I like her to be before bed. Here are her numbers for today
Before breakfast 103
Before lunch 68
Before dance party 68
Before dinner 77
Before s'mores 76
After s'mores (which she received no insulin for) 79
After a yogurt 74
Along with several other checks that never went over 108
Just fed her a granola bar and waiting to see where it brings her. Looks like it's going to be a long night. Guess I'll get to catch up on reading blogs!
I know these are not bad lows, but right now she is not where I like her to be before bed. Here are her numbers for today
Before breakfast 103
Before lunch 68
Before dance party 68
Before dinner 77
Before s'mores 76
After s'mores (which she received no insulin for) 79
After a yogurt 74
Along with several other checks that never went over 108
Just fed her a granola bar and waiting to see where it brings her. Looks like it's going to be a long night. Guess I'll get to catch up on reading blogs!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Last day of school
Tomorrow is M's last day of school. I don't know who's more excited, her or me! Before her D diagnosis in February she had started to fall behind in school and we worked really hard to keep her up to speed. I didn't know at the time that her blood sugars were probably in the 400-500 range and that was probably why she was having a hard time. Since diagnosis her grades have come up and she is doing much better but she still works really hard at it. I think we both need a break.
The other reason I am happy that tomorrow is the last day of school is all of the end of school festivities that include treats. Some we were able to plan for, others I did not know about. She is very good a reading labels and will skip the juice at school parties. But at the school carnival she kind of forgot about D. She said "I didn't look at it, I just ate it" I asked her what she had and she said just some popcorn and shaved ice. Her numbers weren't that bad. I had told her to skip her snacks at school to be able to eat food at the carnival and I think that helped.
With other treats she usually brings them home and has me check to see when she can have them But it's the popsicles and ice cream that ruin this plan -- you just can't bring a popsicle home! I think the kids have had popsicles or ice cream almost every day the past two weeks! It's not that she can't have them but with her being on MDI we need to time when she eats and has her snacks. At least next year I will know to leave a supply of sugar free popsicles at school at the end of the year.
The other reason I am happy that tomorrow is the last day of school is all of the end of school festivities that include treats. Some we were able to plan for, others I did not know about. She is very good a reading labels and will skip the juice at school parties. But at the school carnival she kind of forgot about D. She said "I didn't look at it, I just ate it" I asked her what she had and she said just some popcorn and shaved ice. Her numbers weren't that bad. I had told her to skip her snacks at school to be able to eat food at the carnival and I think that helped.
With other treats she usually brings them home and has me check to see when she can have them But it's the popsicles and ice cream that ruin this plan -- you just can't bring a popsicle home! I think the kids have had popsicles or ice cream almost every day the past two weeks! It's not that she can't have them but with her being on MDI we need to time when she eats and has her snacks. At least next year I will know to leave a supply of sugar free popsicles at school at the end of the year.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Last night while I was cleaning up after dinner M was watching the Disney Channel. She came running into the kitchen very excited and said "there's a boy on TV with type 1 diabetes like me!" I had to see what it was about and thanks to the powers of the DVR I was able to rewind and watch the segment. It was called The Time I... This one was about a 12 year old boy with T1D who participated in JDRF's walk to cure diabetes.
Needless to say I wasn't quite excited as M was. The boy very briefly talked about what T1D was and stated that he had to take medicine (but did not say that how this medicine was given). He did say that he can do anything his friends can do. You could see him holding his pump for about 1 second, but you would have to know its an insulin pump to realize what you were seeing. Most of the segment was about how he participated in the JDRF walk, where it was, and how much money he raised.
I wish they would have talked more about what causes or doesn't cause T1D, or maybe shown his pump more or correct some diabetes myths. Maybe I am expecting too much from a channel for kids, but we should educate kids at this age. Anyway, M was very excited to see a kid like her on TV and will probably be just as excited every time she see's it
Needless to say I wasn't quite excited as M was. The boy very briefly talked about what T1D was and stated that he had to take medicine (but did not say that how this medicine was given). He did say that he can do anything his friends can do. You could see him holding his pump for about 1 second, but you would have to know its an insulin pump to realize what you were seeing. Most of the segment was about how he participated in the JDRF walk, where it was, and how much money he raised.
I wish they would have talked more about what causes or doesn't cause T1D, or maybe shown his pump more or correct some diabetes myths. Maybe I am expecting too much from a channel for kids, but we should educate kids at this age. Anyway, M was very excited to see a kid like her on TV and will probably be just as excited every time she see's it
Friday, May 31, 2013
Summer's here!
We have had a run of sunny days with temps in the high 80's and my summer girl and I are loving it! Sure beats the 62 degrees and cloudy Memorial day we had here. M and her cousin still managed to swim in that weather. At least I found a way to drop her BG if ever high. Just stick her in the pool on a cool day. M's BG and the temperature both had a hard time getting out of the 60's that day!
At the Memorial day parade with her favorite cousin. These 2 crazy girls swam all afternoon in 60 degree weather. |
During our Memorial day picnic M did find a benefit to having T1D. While most kids mom's tell them no dessert until after veggies. I had to tell her "stop eating that broccoli and eat your M n M cookie!" I think my niece may have been jealous of her a little just then.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Our first endo visit
Today was M's first "real" visit to the pediatric endocrinologist. (We did have a visit shortly after diagnosis but everything was still a blur then). Her visit brought to mind the Facts of Life theme song.
You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have our first endo visit!
First the good. M's A1C was 7.2. I thought this was great seeing that at diagnosis in Feb she was some where around 14! I expected something between 9 and 10. I know its not a report card, but I still feel that it is. They said we are doing a great job in such a short time.
Now the bad. M's thyroid is enlarged, so far her thyroid function is fine but they want to keep an eye on it. I have a thyroid disorder so this didn't come as a surprise. Also they noticed a slight scoliosis. Also they want to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse to refer us to Ortho. Lastly no pump yet. This office likes to wait a year from diagnosis for a pump. They feel she is still in her honeymoon phase and producing too much insulin on her own to switch to a pump. I wanted to say bull****. I know from reading other T1D blogs that many kids start much sooner! But, I decided to keep my mouth shut and just wait. Who know what new technology may be out by next February.
Overall I am proud of my little girl! She has handled this very well and often insisted on doing her own D care. In her words "I'm going to have to do it my self one day, so you might as well let me do it now!"
You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have our first endo visit!
First the good. M's A1C was 7.2. I thought this was great seeing that at diagnosis in Feb she was some where around 14! I expected something between 9 and 10. I know its not a report card, but I still feel that it is. They said we are doing a great job in such a short time.
Now the bad. M's thyroid is enlarged, so far her thyroid function is fine but they want to keep an eye on it. I have a thyroid disorder so this didn't come as a surprise. Also they noticed a slight scoliosis. Also they want to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse to refer us to Ortho. Lastly no pump yet. This office likes to wait a year from diagnosis for a pump. They feel she is still in her honeymoon phase and producing too much insulin on her own to switch to a pump. I wanted to say bull****. I know from reading other T1D blogs that many kids start much sooner! But, I decided to keep my mouth shut and just wait. Who know what new technology may be out by next February.
Overall I am proud of my little girl! She has handled this very well and often insisted on doing her own D care. In her words "I'm going to have to do it my self one day, so you might as well let me do it now!"
Sunday, May 19, 2013
D-blog week day 7 - Spread the Love
As another Diabetes Blog Week draws to a close, let’s reflect on some of the great bloggers we’ve found this week. Give some love to three blog posts you’ve read and loved during Diabetes Blog Week, and tell us why they’re worth reading. Or share three blogs you’ve found this week that are new to you. (Thanks to Pearlsa of A Girl's Reflections for inspiring this topic.)
I don't know If I can pick just three blogs. The DOC has been a lifesaver for me. M was just diagnosed in February and I feel that we are at the point we are with her care because of what I've learned through the DOC.
I first stumbled upon diabetes blogs by accident. I think it was even before M was diagnosed when I was looking up signs of diabetes. Since that I have spent many sleepless nights (like tonight) reading all of your blogs.
To the parents of children with TID, thank you for all the tips you post. Posts about school, sleepovers, birthday parties and sports. It's like having a big sister or brother to look to for advice.
To all the people living with T1D. Thank you for letting me see that my daughter can live a healthy, happy life and accomplish anything a person without diabetes can.
I already have tons of blogs I love to read, but I have found many more this week. Three of which are
KC & Co Love reading posts about your daughter who is just entering her teen years. M will be that age before I know it
The Rockin Ink star -- I know you said you don't typically post about diabetes but I hope you continue
T1D mom blog- Your son is the same age as M and was only diagnosed a few months before her.
I have enjoyed reading all the blogs and posts this week. I can't believe this is the last day. I look forward to next year!
I don't know If I can pick just three blogs. The DOC has been a lifesaver for me. M was just diagnosed in February and I feel that we are at the point we are with her care because of what I've learned through the DOC.
I first stumbled upon diabetes blogs by accident. I think it was even before M was diagnosed when I was looking up signs of diabetes. Since that I have spent many sleepless nights (like tonight) reading all of your blogs.
To the parents of children with TID, thank you for all the tips you post. Posts about school, sleepovers, birthday parties and sports. It's like having a big sister or brother to look to for advice.
To all the people living with T1D. Thank you for letting me see that my daughter can live a healthy, happy life and accomplish anything a person without diabetes can.
I already have tons of blogs I love to read, but I have found many more this week. Three of which are
KC & Co Love reading posts about your daughter who is just entering her teen years. M will be that age before I know it
The Rockin Ink star -- I know you said you don't typically post about diabetes but I hope you continue
T1D mom blog- Your son is the same age as M and was only diagnosed a few months before her.
I have enjoyed reading all the blogs and posts this week. I can't believe this is the last day. I look forward to next year!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
D Blog week day 6 - Diabetes Art
This year Diabetes Art moves up from the Wildcard choices as we all channel our creativity with art in the broadest sense. Do some “traditional” art like drawing, painting, collage or any other craft you enjoy. Or look to the literary arts and perhaps write a d-poem or share and discuss a favorite quote. Groove to some musical arts by sharing a song that inspires you diabetes-wise, reworking some song lyrics with a d-twist, or even writing your own song. Don’t forget dramatic arts too, perhaps you can create a diabetes reality show or play. These are just a starting point today – there are no right or wrong ways to get creative!
I wanted to post this on Mother's day, but decided to save if for Diabetes art day of D-blog week. I am not much of an artist, so this is part of a Mother's day card that M made for me at school. I am sure I am the only mom in her class that got a card that said this. What other kid would draw a picture of their mom giving them a shot!
I wanted to post this on Mother's day, but decided to save if for Diabetes art day of D-blog week. I am not much of an artist, so this is part of a Mother's day card that M made for me at school. I am sure I am the only mom in her class that got a card that said this. What other kid would draw a picture of their mom giving them a shot!
My mom is special because she is my insulin! |
Friday, May 17, 2013
D-Blog week day 5 Wild Kingdom Wild Card
The prompt for today was Freaky Friday. It asked if you could switch diabetes with any other chronic disease which would it be. I couldn't answer this. I do not want my daughter to have any chronic disease. Also I can't say that one disease is "better" than other. Unless you have lived with it you really do not know what it is like. So instead I chose the wild kingdom wild card because I could have some fun with this.
What is the ideal diabetes service animal? Think beyond the obvious and be creative in explaining why your choice is a good one. For example, maybe a seal would make a good service animal - it flaps its flippers and barks every time you get a good blood sugar reading! (Thanks to Tristan of Based on a True Story for this topic suggestion.)
I know M would pick a dog. She has wanted a dog since she could talk and she finally got one. The timing wasn't great (a week before her diagnosis) but she loves her dog. However as much as I like dogs my pick for her diabetes service animal would be a parrot.
Just think how loud a parrot could be to alert you to a low or high. It would be great. M could go anywhere with her parrot on her shoulder to alert her. I could also teach the parrot to say "eat your carbs" to make sure M eats all the food that I dosed her for. Maybe I could even get to say "do your homework"
or "pick up your toys." When she is at a friends house the parrot could fly back to me to report M's BG number.
The best part of having a parrot for a diabetes service animal is that M would no longer be known as the only kid in her school with diabetes. She would be the girl who gets to come to school with a parrot on her shoulder. And just think how awesome her pirate Halloween costume would be!
What is the ideal diabetes service animal? Think beyond the obvious and be creative in explaining why your choice is a good one. For example, maybe a seal would make a good service animal - it flaps its flippers and barks every time you get a good blood sugar reading! (Thanks to Tristan of Based on a True Story for this topic suggestion.)
I know M would pick a dog. She has wanted a dog since she could talk and she finally got one. The timing wasn't great (a week before her diagnosis) but she loves her dog. However as much as I like dogs my pick for her diabetes service animal would be a parrot.
Just think how loud a parrot could be to alert you to a low or high. It would be great. M could go anywhere with her parrot on her shoulder to alert her. I could also teach the parrot to say "eat your carbs" to make sure M eats all the food that I dosed her for. Maybe I could even get to say "do your homework"
or "pick up your toys." When she is at a friends house the parrot could fly back to me to report M's BG number.
The best part of having a parrot for a diabetes service animal is that M would no longer be known as the only kid in her school with diabetes. She would be the girl who gets to come to school with a parrot on her shoulder. And just think how awesome her pirate Halloween costume would be!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
D-blog week day 4 Accomplishments
We don’t always realize it, but each one of us had come a long way since diabetes first came into our life. It doesn’t matter if it’s been 5 weeks, 5 years or 50 years, you’ve done something outstanding diabetes-wise. So today let’s share the greatest accomplishment you've made in terms of dealing with your (or your loved one’s) diabetes. No accomplishment is too big or too small - think about self-acceptance, something you’ve mastered (pump / exercise / diet / etc.), making a tough care decision (finding a new endo or support group / choosing to use or not use a technology / etc.). (Thanks to Hilary of Rainie and Me for this topic suggestion.)
Diabetes is still very new to our household. It has only been a little over 3 months since M was diagnosed. But I still feel we have come a long way in just 3 short months. I think the biggest accomplishment is in just how healthy M is now. When I look at pictures of her just before diagnosis she was so skinny and sick. She was always tired and just wanted to sit around. Now she runs and plays like crazy. (she is running the 50 yard dash at her school's Jr Olympics today). For me, my biggest accomplishment is that I no longer cry (well at least not as much as the first month!) I see that she can still live a wonderful live with Type 1 diabetes.
M is now able to check her own BG and set up her shots - she still doesn't want to give herself the shot yet. She is able to read food labels. I'm pretty sure that when I was 7 I didn't know the difference between a carb, protein or fat.
Our biggest accomplishment though was this weekend. M got to go play at a friends house without me! Yes, she was only there for 2 hours, and no it wasn't at a meal time so we didn't have to worry about her shots. She went to her friends house armed with her meter, glucagon (which I went over with her friends mom) and juice boxes. It was 2 hours of freedom and fun for her.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
D-blog week day 3 - Memories
Today we’re going to share our most memorable diabetes day. You can take this anywhere.... your or your loved one's diagnosis, a bad low, a bad high, a big success, any day that you’d like to share. (Thanks to Jasmine of Silver-Lined for this topic suggestion.)
I decided to write this from M's point of view since she is the one living with diabetes, not me. If you ask her what her most memorable diabetes day is she will look at you kind of funny and say "I don't know" This is because to her diabetes is not the memorable part of her day. To her what she remembers is the game she and her friends played on the playground, the funny thing that happened at school, the cute dog we saw at the park, the monkey she got to pet at the zoo on her field trip, that she was able to do five underwater flips in a row when we went swimming. That is what is memorable to her, the fact that she is getting her BG checked and getting shots before eating is not what she remembers. I would like to keep it this way for her as long as possible.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
D-blog week, day 2 We, the undersigned.
Recently various petitions have been circulating the Diabetes Online Community, so today let’s pretend to write our own. Tell us who you would write the petition to – a person, an organization, even an object (animate or inanimate) - get creative!! What are you trying to change and what have you experienced that makes you want this change?
It took me a while to figure out what to write for this. I'm not usually one to get caught up in petitions or one to try to change the world. As I spend another sleepless night (thanks to the crazy BG numbers M has been having this week) I decides to write on a more personal level and address this to my family, friends and parents of M's friends and classmates.
First of all to my friends. Please listen when I talk about diabetes in general or M's life with diabetes. I try not to do this too much and is part of the reason I started this blog. But right now diabetes is taking up a big portion of our lives. Please excuse me if I roll my eyes when you mention you are tired from one night when your kid woke you up for a drink of water.
To my family. Please do not look at me funny when M eats cookies, cake, pie etc and holidays or family gatherings. Your body naturally makes insulin when you eat these treats, M just gets hers in the form of a shot. (she was even willing to take an extra shot so she could have a piece of shortcake on Mother's day)
Please don't make special sugar free items for her or offer her sugar free candy thinking she can have as much as she wants. Often sugar free will actually have more carbs then the treat with sugar (and the sugar free may make her feel sick after). Do not eliminate candy, cookies etc from family gatherings. This happened at Easter and M said "I'm the reason no one is getting candy in their baskets."
To the parents of M's friends and classmates. Do not treat her differently because of her diabetes. Do not say to me that I don't have to stay at birthday parties (do you really want a crash course on D care). Do not be mad that I get to (must) attend all field trips and school parties because the school nurse may not be present for theses. Do not think I am hovering when I stay and M's dance/gymnastic classes instead of just dropping her off.
Last of all I want to add this to M's best friend KP. (I know this really isn't part of the petition but I wanted to end on a positive not) Thank you for being such a good friend to M. For all the trips to the school nurse you take with her. For helping her check her BG. In M's words you are her "guard". M has taught you the signs of a low BG and you take your job seriously looking for these signs in her. You have even reminded me to check M's BG! I am glad you were in M's class this year and hope you will be again next year.
It took me a while to figure out what to write for this. I'm not usually one to get caught up in petitions or one to try to change the world. As I spend another sleepless night (thanks to the crazy BG numbers M has been having this week) I decides to write on a more personal level and address this to my family, friends and parents of M's friends and classmates.
First of all to my friends. Please listen when I talk about diabetes in general or M's life with diabetes. I try not to do this too much and is part of the reason I started this blog. But right now diabetes is taking up a big portion of our lives. Please excuse me if I roll my eyes when you mention you are tired from one night when your kid woke you up for a drink of water.
To my family. Please do not look at me funny when M eats cookies, cake, pie etc and holidays or family gatherings. Your body naturally makes insulin when you eat these treats, M just gets hers in the form of a shot. (she was even willing to take an extra shot so she could have a piece of shortcake on Mother's day)
Please don't make special sugar free items for her or offer her sugar free candy thinking she can have as much as she wants. Often sugar free will actually have more carbs then the treat with sugar (and the sugar free may make her feel sick after). Do not eliminate candy, cookies etc from family gatherings. This happened at Easter and M said "I'm the reason no one is getting candy in their baskets."
To the parents of M's friends and classmates. Do not treat her differently because of her diabetes. Do not say to me that I don't have to stay at birthday parties (do you really want a crash course on D care). Do not be mad that I get to (must) attend all field trips and school parties because the school nurse may not be present for theses. Do not think I am hovering when I stay and M's dance/gymnastic classes instead of just dropping her off.
Last of all I want to add this to M's best friend KP. (I know this really isn't part of the petition but I wanted to end on a positive not) Thank you for being such a good friend to M. For all the trips to the school nurse you take with her. For helping her check her BG. In M's words you are her "guard". M has taught you the signs of a low BG and you take your job seriously looking for these signs in her. You have even reminded me to check M's BG! I am glad you were in M's class this year and hope you will be again next year.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Diabetes blog week day 1
Today's prompt is about what you share or don't share with your medical team.
Often our health care team only sees us for about 15 minutes several times a year, and they might not have a sense of what our lives are really like. Today, let’s pretend our medical team is reading our blogs. What do you wish they could see about your and/or your loved one's daily life with diabetes? On the other hand, what do you hope they don't see?
We are very new to diabetes. M was just diagnosed at the beginning of February, so we haven't had much experience with this yet. We have only had one follow up appointment shortly after she came home from the hospital and our next appointment isn't for a few more weeks, and with a new endo who is closer to our home. So I will write about what I plan to share with her endo and team.
I will probably overshare information with them. This is my child I'm talking about (if it we me as the pt I may not share everything). I want them to know how well M is dealing with diabetes (she's better than me). She has been so responsible, her teacher and school nurse said she does better dealing with diabetes than some of the middle school kids (she is only if first grade) I want them to know that she really, really wants a pump and I feel she is ready for it. I want them to know how nervous I am about going to this Dr for the first time. I want them to know that even though I shouldn't I will take her A1C personally. I want them to know everything so that they can have the best plan for her.
I can't think of much that I don't want them to know about. Maybe that she doesn't always eat the healthiest in terms of vegetable, but she is trying. Also that she still doesn't like milk and will not drink it everyday like the nutritionist wanted her too. (At least we went from never to 2-3 times a week).
I look forward to M's next appointment so we can hopefully get started on pump training. That will make her one happy girl!
Often our health care team only sees us for about 15 minutes several times a year, and they might not have a sense of what our lives are really like. Today, let’s pretend our medical team is reading our blogs. What do you wish they could see about your and/or your loved one's daily life with diabetes? On the other hand, what do you hope they don't see?
We are very new to diabetes. M was just diagnosed at the beginning of February, so we haven't had much experience with this yet. We have only had one follow up appointment shortly after she came home from the hospital and our next appointment isn't for a few more weeks, and with a new endo who is closer to our home. So I will write about what I plan to share with her endo and team.
I will probably overshare information with them. This is my child I'm talking about (if it we me as the pt I may not share everything). I want them to know how well M is dealing with diabetes (she's better than me). She has been so responsible, her teacher and school nurse said she does better dealing with diabetes than some of the middle school kids (she is only if first grade) I want them to know that she really, really wants a pump and I feel she is ready for it. I want them to know how nervous I am about going to this Dr for the first time. I want them to know that even though I shouldn't I will take her A1C personally. I want them to know everything so that they can have the best plan for her.
I can't think of much that I don't want them to know about. Maybe that she doesn't always eat the healthiest in terms of vegetable, but she is trying. Also that she still doesn't like milk and will not drink it everyday like the nutritionist wanted her too. (At least we went from never to 2-3 times a week).
I look forward to M's next appointment so we can hopefully get started on pump training. That will make her one happy girl!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Diabetes is not funny
I wrote a few days ago about my niece's facebook post and my response. I did feel bad about how I replied and sent her a message about why I reacted like I did. This is what I said
Sorry about my comment to your post yesterday, but it just made me mad. It is misconceptions like that that M has to live with the rest of her life. I may have thought that post was funny at one tome too, but once you have a child with a disease where an everyday illness can send her to the ER it is not funny anymore.
When you have a 6 year old that has to poke her finger up to 10 times a day to check her blood sugar and get 4 shots a day to keep her alive it's not funny. When you have a little girl who can't go play a t a friends house because she has to check her blood sugar and get shots and have every bite of food she takes carb counted and can't do this on her own, it's not funny. I hope you understand why I replied like I did.
Sorry about my comment to your post yesterday, but it just made me mad. It is misconceptions like that that M has to live with the rest of her life. I may have thought that post was funny at one tome too, but once you have a child with a disease where an everyday illness can send her to the ER it is not funny anymore.
When you have a 6 year old that has to poke her finger up to 10 times a day to check her blood sugar and get 4 shots a day to keep her alive it's not funny. When you have a little girl who can't go play a t a friends house because she has to check her blood sugar and get shots and have every bite of food she takes carb counted and can't do this on her own, it's not funny. I hope you understand why I replied like I did.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Seeing Red
Today as I was eating my lunch at work I was on my kindle looking at facebook. This is when I saw a post from my college age niece that made me so upset I replied back without even taking a moment to think.
I've seen the post before, it was something like if Johnny has 60 candy bars and eats 30 what does he have... diabetes. She posted how she thought this was so funny, and many of her friends commented that they loved it. Before M was diagnosed with T1D, I would have known that this statement is wrong but would have just ignored it. Instead I replied. It was not my most eloquent or most polite reply on facebook. At least I didn't reply in all caps! I said something like this (only I think it was much worse)-- This post make me angry, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, you do not get it by eating too much candy (and type 2 has a genetic link) It is posts like this that show just how ignorant the general population is. This is the type of comment that M has to live with the rest of her life.
Immediately after replying I felt bad. I should have used this to educate her and her friends without putting so much emotion in it. I tried to reply again but she had removed the post. Next time I will walk away and think before I reply to something, but I just couldn't stop myself, I was seeing red and wanted to fight back (even though it was with my 20 year old niece). So what do you think my niece will say when I ask her to be on our JDRF walk team? Maybe I can educate her in a more polite manner when we ask her.
I've seen the post before, it was something like if Johnny has 60 candy bars and eats 30 what does he have... diabetes. She posted how she thought this was so funny, and many of her friends commented that they loved it. Before M was diagnosed with T1D, I would have known that this statement is wrong but would have just ignored it. Instead I replied. It was not my most eloquent or most polite reply on facebook. At least I didn't reply in all caps! I said something like this (only I think it was much worse)-- This post make me angry, Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, you do not get it by eating too much candy (and type 2 has a genetic link) It is posts like this that show just how ignorant the general population is. This is the type of comment that M has to live with the rest of her life.
Immediately after replying I felt bad. I should have used this to educate her and her friends without putting so much emotion in it. I tried to reply again but she had removed the post. Next time I will walk away and think before I reply to something, but I just couldn't stop myself, I was seeing red and wanted to fight back (even though it was with my 20 year old niece). So what do you think my niece will say when I ask her to be on our JDRF walk team? Maybe I can educate her in a more polite manner when we ask her.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Happy Birthday
This Friday was M's 7th birthday. She had a great birthday weekend and diabetes behaved itself, mostly. On Thursday she took a birthday treat to school, she wanted chocolate cupcakes. I thought her BG would be high when she came home but she was 93. Hate to think of how low she would have been if she hadn't brought cupcakes!
Friday was her birthday. Her school was having early dismissal so we decided to keep her home and do something fun for the day. We took her swimming at the rec center and played on the playground. Her BG numbers were great all day.
Saturday was her party with her friends. She wanted a Chuck E Cheese party. Not the easiest place to manage T1D, but it's where she had wanted her party since before her diagnosis and I wasn't about to let diabetes tell us to change it. We went into the party with a BG of 101. I made sure she had water instead of fruit punch in her cup and estimated 75 carbs in the food she was going to eat. She had a great day with her friends.
When we go home that's when the sniffles she had been fighting turned into a full blown cold. Haven't been able to get her out of the 200's since (except when I over corrected and briefly sent her low). Hopefully today she will be feeling better and her numbers will be in range.
Friday was her birthday. Her school was having early dismissal so we decided to keep her home and do something fun for the day. We took her swimming at the rec center and played on the playground. Her BG numbers were great all day.
Saturday was her party with her friends. She wanted a Chuck E Cheese party. Not the easiest place to manage T1D, but it's where she had wanted her party since before her diagnosis and I wasn't about to let diabetes tell us to change it. We went into the party with a BG of 101. I made sure she had water instead of fruit punch in her cup and estimated 75 carbs in the food she was going to eat. She had a great day with her friends.
When we go home that's when the sniffles she had been fighting turned into a full blown cold. Haven't been able to get her out of the 200's since (except when I over corrected and briefly sent her low). Hopefully today she will be feeling better and her numbers will be in range.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
I'm not relaxing, I'm my daughter's pancreas
I was sitting in the waiting area of my daughter's gymnastics class yesterday. Before her diagnosis I would drop her off and then either run errands, make dinner, work out or get some stuff done around the house. Since she was diagnosed with T1D I now has to stay at her gymnastics and dance classes to check BG and treat lows (M is starting to do her own BG checks but I'm not sure if she could do it if she were feeling low). While I am waiting I will read a book. As I was sitting there yesterday another mom stated, "Wow it must be nice to just be able to sit and relax with a book. I'm so stressed. I'm trying to get packed for a trip to Florida this weekend for a wedding and still need to find shoes for my daughter's flower girl dress."
I did not reply (although next time I probably will) because just a few short months ago packing for a trip or might has been something I would have been stressed about. Now I am stressed because I worry that my daughter may not wake up in the morning because her BG went low. Or I am stressed if her readings are too high because of the damage that may occur in her future. No, I am not sitting here relaxing, I am worrying about what gymnastics is doing to her BG, and if she will realize if she is low and come out for me to check her. I am stressed because a have been fighting with the insurance company to get the supplies I need to keep her alive, I am not stressed about finding shoes!
I did not wish on this mom to experience what I am, but next time I hope she thinks about why I am the only mom who stays at gymnastics with her daughter, that there just might be a reason. And if I really wanted to relax I would not do it at the stinky gymnastic waiting room!
I did not reply (although next time I probably will) because just a few short months ago packing for a trip or might has been something I would have been stressed about. Now I am stressed because I worry that my daughter may not wake up in the morning because her BG went low. Or I am stressed if her readings are too high because of the damage that may occur in her future. No, I am not sitting here relaxing, I am worrying about what gymnastics is doing to her BG, and if she will realize if she is low and come out for me to check her. I am stressed because a have been fighting with the insurance company to get the supplies I need to keep her alive, I am not stressed about finding shoes!
I did not wish on this mom to experience what I am, but next time I hope she thinks about why I am the only mom who stays at gymnastics with her daughter, that there just might be a reason. And if I really wanted to relax I would not do it at the stinky gymnastic waiting room!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
one of the 80
According to the JDRF website 80 people per day are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. On Wednesday of this week I knew one of those 80. One of the ladies I take Zumba with found out that her 8 year old son has T1D. I am keeping her and her family in my prayers as they adjust to their new life. I was thinking of what she is going through (her son was at the same hospital M was). This is what I would tell her.
On a sleep deprived brain you get a crash course on how to keep your kid alive (they call it diabetes education). Then you come home and cry. Your kid is hungry and you are afraid to feed him because you don't know the carb counts in your food you have at home. You spend the next day home filling prescriptions and learning a new way to grocery shop, reading all nutrition labels for carb counts. This will take at least three times longer that it used to take you to go grocery shopping. If you are lucky your child will not fight when you check his BG or give him his injections. You will realize that you need glasses to see the tiny lines on the syringes. You will not sleep for at least the next month as you worry about if what you are doing is right. You may have to fight with the insurance company to get the supplies you need to keep your kid alive.
It does get easier. We switched to the insulin pens at our next appointment (no need to squint at those little lines any more). We hopefully will find out if M can go on a pump when we follow up at the end of May. We go out to restaurants, M has gone to birthday parties, she does dance and gymnastics, and runs and plays like any other kid. I have realized that diabetes is not X + Y = Z. There are many factors that play into it and what you do one day does not mean you get the same result if you do it again the next day. We are still adjusting but at about 3 months into this I am starting to feel confident that we can do this! You will get there too!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
We're just here for the free shrimp
Since M has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes I find myself saying things to her that other people may misinterpret. For example me asking her "You're cranky today are you high?" This comment I made to her that now make me laugh the most when I think of it happened a few weeks ago.
My husband's sister Julie invited us over on one of the first nice nights this spring. She was having a fire in her fire pit and we would have drinks and something to eat. I knew we would be there late so M ate her dinner and we would eat at Julies for M's 15g carb night time snack. Now Julie's idea of a night by the fire is not the hotdogs and Smores that we have at our house. No, Julie is the Martha Stewart of the family. She had wine, cheese and crackers, oyster po-boys, steamed shrimp along with lots of other food.
I was helping M figure out what she could eat when I saw the big bowl of chilled shrimp. I said "M eat as many shrimp as you want they are free!" This is when I saw my brother in law look at us kind of funny. No I am not a cheapskate, I know you paid a lot of money for the shrimp. Yes, I do buy my daughter shrimp. I did not feel like explaining what "free" means to a family with a kid with T1D, but now when I think of that night it makes me laugh. I wonder if they'll have shrimp the next time we visit.
My husband's sister Julie invited us over on one of the first nice nights this spring. She was having a fire in her fire pit and we would have drinks and something to eat. I knew we would be there late so M ate her dinner and we would eat at Julies for M's 15g carb night time snack. Now Julie's idea of a night by the fire is not the hotdogs and Smores that we have at our house. No, Julie is the Martha Stewart of the family. She had wine, cheese and crackers, oyster po-boys, steamed shrimp along with lots of other food.
I was helping M figure out what she could eat when I saw the big bowl of chilled shrimp. I said "M eat as many shrimp as you want they are free!" This is when I saw my brother in law look at us kind of funny. No I am not a cheapskate, I know you paid a lot of money for the shrimp. Yes, I do buy my daughter shrimp. I did not feel like explaining what "free" means to a family with a kid with T1D, but now when I think of that night it makes me laugh. I wonder if they'll have shrimp the next time we visit.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Mom pancreas vs Dad pancreas
I had to work this weekend, which meant the majority of M's D care went to my husband this weekend. Let me start by saying that I may have a little control freak bordering on OCD personality. My husband is a much more laid back, fly by the seat of your pants kind of person.
Mom pancreas weighs and measures all food, schedules meals and snacks and is always thinking of what is coming next. If going to a restaurant Mom pancreas asks M what she wants to eat befor we leave the house and finds the carb counts for what she wants. Mom pancreas has memorized the carbs in M's favorite foods and looks to see how these foods affect her BG readings.
Dad pancreas eyeballs serving sizes and doesn't worry about schedules. He does not plan ahead what M is going to eat and lets her decide at the restaurant what she wants to eat. He assumes that if M's carb to insulin ration is 1:30 at breakfast it is that way all day.
This weekend Dad pancreas was put to the test. Guess what, perfect numbers when M was in Dad pancreas's care. Not even the low after her hip hop class that mom usually gets. When Mom pancreas came home and took back over--- a big fat 269. Maybe mom pancreas needs to learn a little from Dad pancreas and sometimes just go with the flow. Hopefully when M grows up and does her own D care she will take a little bit from both of our styles.
Mom pancreas weighs and measures all food, schedules meals and snacks and is always thinking of what is coming next. If going to a restaurant Mom pancreas asks M what she wants to eat befor we leave the house and finds the carb counts for what she wants. Mom pancreas has memorized the carbs in M's favorite foods and looks to see how these foods affect her BG readings.
Dad pancreas eyeballs serving sizes and doesn't worry about schedules. He does not plan ahead what M is going to eat and lets her decide at the restaurant what she wants to eat. He assumes that if M's carb to insulin ration is 1:30 at breakfast it is that way all day.
This weekend Dad pancreas was put to the test. Guess what, perfect numbers when M was in Dad pancreas's care. Not even the low after her hip hop class that mom usually gets. When Mom pancreas came home and took back over--- a big fat 269. Maybe mom pancreas needs to learn a little from Dad pancreas and sometimes just go with the flow. Hopefully when M grows up and does her own D care she will take a little bit from both of our styles.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Our Diagnosis Story
Looking back M's symptoms probably started about 2 months before she was diagnosed, but most of what was happening I could explain with something else. In late November and December she started having trouble with schoolwork. (I blamed in on being busy during the holidays and her Christmas dance recital.) She also complained of stomach pain and was sick twice in December (half her class was out sick). She also said that her vision was blurry (my husband's family all wears glasses).
Then in January things got worse. It started with M wetting the bed. The first time it happened she said she had a dream that she was going to the bathroom and just went (OK, I've had that dream, but luckily I've never found the bathroom in my dream). Then a little over a week later it happened again. Now I was starting to worry. So I Googled bed wetting and came up with 3 possible explanations, psychological stress (no), UTI (maybe), and diabetes (uh-oh). I started watching M more closely to see if she had any other symptoms. My husband and I both work in the medical field so we are familiar with the symptoms, plus my husband is a Type 2 diabetic. M was hungry all the time, she would just finish dinner and in 15 minutes say she was hungry. I weighed her and discovered that despite eating constantly she had lost 5 lbs since fall (and she is skinny to begin with). She was thirsty all the time and constantly needing to go to the bathroom, this from a girl who could "hold it" forever.
The weekend before her diagnosis is when I knew. As a mom I knew in my gut that she had diabetes. It was Super Bowl Sunday. M had a birthday party to go to and then we were having family over to watch the Super Bowl. During the Birthday party she went to the bathroom twice, ate 3 slices of Pizza, a cupcake and chips and drank 3 Capri Suns. That night at home she ate non stop from our Super Bowl spread. I just knew I had to make an appointment with the Dr as soon as possible.
I called her Dr the next day. We couldn't get it until Wednesday (2/6/13). I almost called back to cancel because in those next few days all her symptoms seemed to disappear. I am so glad we kept that appointment. Knowing what I know now I should have taken her to the ER as soon as I suspected diabetes.
The Dr had her give a urine sample. M thought this was funny because she peed all over my hand while I was holding the cup. I was hoping for a UTI but I just knew. When the Dr came back in I could tell from the look on his face. She had sugar in her urine. He then did a finger stick. Her BG was 476. I was trying to hold it together for M as he was telling me she was in diabetic ketoacidosis. Now I was scared, as I said I work in the medical field and know what this is. He told us to go home and pack a bag and head to the Children's hospital about an hour away, our local children's hospital does not treat DKA and would just send her there. He would direct admit her though the ER and she would probably be in intensive care.
In the car I started to cry. I called my husband and told him, and then my mom and mother in law. I told M we had to take her to the hospital, sweet girl that she is she said "but mom, you'll miss your Zumba class" (I told her she is more important than Zumba). I don't know how long it took us to get on our way to the hospital once we got home, but it seemed like forever. I packed bags, called work, had to find someone to take care of our puppy (we had just got him a week ago) and find directions to the hospital.
Once at the hospital it was more urine check and finger sticks. M wanted something to eat but couldn't have anything. M did not have to go to intensive care but we finally got a room about 9 pm. She got her insulin injection and was allowed to eat. I think she was so hungry the shot didn't even bother her.
After a long sleepless night it was extensive diabetes training mixed in with a visit from a magician and a pony. Yes a pony. I know my mind was not taking in all I would need to know to care for M. That night we went home. I cried again in the car. How was I going to care for her. She can be very stubborn, will she let me give her shots and check her BG?
The next day was filling prescriptions and picking up supplies and grocery shopping for food that we could easily carb count. Surprisingly M did not give me a hard time about finger sticks or her insulin injections, maybe she felt so bad before and the insulin was making her feel better. I don't know, but I am glad we did not have the experience of having to hold her down to give shots. After a few days M even insisted on preparing her own shots. She said "Mom, I have to do it myself someday!" I was very proud of her. My little girl has grown up is such a short time. How many six year olds go through your pantry cupboard or the grocery store reading food labels and telling you how many carbs are in them! She is hoping to get a pump soon and we are learning to live with our new normal.
Then in January things got worse. It started with M wetting the bed. The first time it happened she said she had a dream that she was going to the bathroom and just went (OK, I've had that dream, but luckily I've never found the bathroom in my dream). Then a little over a week later it happened again. Now I was starting to worry. So I Googled bed wetting and came up with 3 possible explanations, psychological stress (no), UTI (maybe), and diabetes (uh-oh). I started watching M more closely to see if she had any other symptoms. My husband and I both work in the medical field so we are familiar with the symptoms, plus my husband is a Type 2 diabetic. M was hungry all the time, she would just finish dinner and in 15 minutes say she was hungry. I weighed her and discovered that despite eating constantly she had lost 5 lbs since fall (and she is skinny to begin with). She was thirsty all the time and constantly needing to go to the bathroom, this from a girl who could "hold it" forever.
The weekend before her diagnosis is when I knew. As a mom I knew in my gut that she had diabetes. It was Super Bowl Sunday. M had a birthday party to go to and then we were having family over to watch the Super Bowl. During the Birthday party she went to the bathroom twice, ate 3 slices of Pizza, a cupcake and chips and drank 3 Capri Suns. That night at home she ate non stop from our Super Bowl spread. I just knew I had to make an appointment with the Dr as soon as possible.
I called her Dr the next day. We couldn't get it until Wednesday (2/6/13). I almost called back to cancel because in those next few days all her symptoms seemed to disappear. I am so glad we kept that appointment. Knowing what I know now I should have taken her to the ER as soon as I suspected diabetes.
The Dr had her give a urine sample. M thought this was funny because she peed all over my hand while I was holding the cup. I was hoping for a UTI but I just knew. When the Dr came back in I could tell from the look on his face. She had sugar in her urine. He then did a finger stick. Her BG was 476. I was trying to hold it together for M as he was telling me she was in diabetic ketoacidosis. Now I was scared, as I said I work in the medical field and know what this is. He told us to go home and pack a bag and head to the Children's hospital about an hour away, our local children's hospital does not treat DKA and would just send her there. He would direct admit her though the ER and she would probably be in intensive care.
In the car I started to cry. I called my husband and told him, and then my mom and mother in law. I told M we had to take her to the hospital, sweet girl that she is she said "but mom, you'll miss your Zumba class" (I told her she is more important than Zumba). I don't know how long it took us to get on our way to the hospital once we got home, but it seemed like forever. I packed bags, called work, had to find someone to take care of our puppy (we had just got him a week ago) and find directions to the hospital.
Once at the hospital it was more urine check and finger sticks. M wanted something to eat but couldn't have anything. M did not have to go to intensive care but we finally got a room about 9 pm. She got her insulin injection and was allowed to eat. I think she was so hungry the shot didn't even bother her.
After a long sleepless night it was extensive diabetes training mixed in with a visit from a magician and a pony. Yes a pony. I know my mind was not taking in all I would need to know to care for M. That night we went home. I cried again in the car. How was I going to care for her. She can be very stubborn, will she let me give her shots and check her BG?
The next day was filling prescriptions and picking up supplies and grocery shopping for food that we could easily carb count. Surprisingly M did not give me a hard time about finger sticks or her insulin injections, maybe she felt so bad before and the insulin was making her feel better. I don't know, but I am glad we did not have the experience of having to hold her down to give shots. After a few days M even insisted on preparing her own shots. She said "Mom, I have to do it myself someday!" I was very proud of her. My little girl has grown up is such a short time. How many six year olds go through your pantry cupboard or the grocery store reading food labels and telling you how many carbs are in them! She is hoping to get a pump soon and we are learning to live with our new normal.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Here we go
I really didn't think I would ever have a blog, but then my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. In these first few months after her diagnosis, I have spent many sleepless nights reading other blogs of mom's and dad's with kids with T1D. I felt I needed a place to tell M's story and to someday look back on how far we have come.
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