Monday, February 17, 2014

Lesson Learned

     There has been much on the news lately about the weather.  The sub-zero temps, the snow in the south and the ice in between.  Every time I hear about people that are stranded in their cars I can't help but think if any of them have T1D, or are with their children with T1D.  What do they do if stuck for a long period of time?  Do they have enough with them to treat a low? This weekend I found out exactly what it is like to be stuck in the car with a kid with T1D and limited food supplies. 

   I was taking M and her best friend KP snow tubing.  The roads were a little snow covered, but we live near the snow belt so a little snow doesn't bother me.  We were on the interstate when a saw a police car and flares, with the officer signaling to people to slow down. We slowed to a crawl and then a complete stop.  We hadn't eaten lunch yet because we were planning to eat when we got to the snow tubing place.  At this point M says, "Mom I feel low."  She checks 58.  I grab my purse which is usually stocked with snacks, only to realize that I have not replaced snacks in my purse for a while.  I have 8 glucose tabs and 2 granola bars.  We have a half  bottle of water in the car.  I give M 2 glucose tabs. I should have given her 3 but I was rationing.  I check the traffic report on my phone as find out that there is a multi-vehicle crash ahead of us.  We are going to be here for a while.

   40 minutes later, M says she feels low again. She is 78.  Also both girls are saying they are hungry.  At this point KP tells me she didn't eat breakfast this morning.  I have 2 hungry girls, one with T1D and 2 smooshed granola bars.  Do I save them both for M, or do I give one to each girl assuming we won't be stuck long?  I give one to each girl and they share the water. 

   Over all we were stuck for close to 2 hours.  I know this wasn't a long time.  But with a kid with T1D in the car and limited supplies it felt like forever.  I can't imagine being stuck much longer.  We made it to the snow tubing place and had a great time, complete with a hot chocolate break.  I also stopped and got some snacks to have in the car for the trip back!  I learned my lesson.  I will always keep plenty of snacks a glucose tabs in the car at all times!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

One Year

     One year ago today M was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  In that year she has poked her fingers at least 3,285 times to check her blood sugar.  She had 1,256 shots of insulin before switching to the pod.  Since starting on Omnipod, she had had 18 pod changes.  A pod change is not simply sticking the pod on her skin.  A needle pierces her skin and a soft cannula is left in her that the insulin goes through.

    Today is an ordinary day for M.  She went to school like any ordinary 7 year old, she is doing her homework right now like any ordinary 7 year old, and she will go to her dance class later and dance just like the other 7 year olds in her class. We will go to Panera oour after dance class tradition and she will eat soup and a cookie just like any other kid. (Yes, she can eat cookies!)

     Less than 100 years ago Type 1 Diabetes was a death sentence.  Most kids with T1D did not live a year from diagnosis.  Even though there is no cure for T1D, I am thankful for the insulin and technology that keeps my daughter alive and lets her have these ordinary days.