Monday, November 4, 2013

The Fall...(and I don't mean Autumn)

     It all started with making a gingerbread house.    There is a Christmas light display at a park near us that has a building full of gingerbread houses that kids in local elementary schools make.  This year M has decided to make a gingerbread house for this.  (She chose to make her house into a beach house with the ocean and fish).  Anyway as we have to have this done by November 14th we started on it yesterday afternoon.  As we were working on it I noticed M kept licking her fingers that had icing on them.  She was having too much fun and I decided to just give her a correction at dinner.   I knew she would be high  but I didn't expect the 355.  Just how much of that icing did she lick?  Just to be sure I had her wash her hands and recheck.  Yep it was right.  I gave her 5 units to cover her dinner and for the correction. 

    She was fine most of the night.  I checked her before her bedtime snack 127.  Ahh, that's better.  
    Ten minutes later

   M:   Mom, I feel low.
   Me:  I just checked you, you were fine.
   M:   I feel really bad.
   Me:  Ok.

   I check her.  65.  What!?!?!  No wonder she feel bad.  That fast of a drop in 10 minutes.  Out comes the Halloween candy.  15 grams of sour patch kids and 15 minutes later.  55!!!.    Now she was feeling really bad,  she didn't even want Halloween candy.  "just give me juice" she said.  Finally after the juice 89.
She had her bedtime snack and at 1 am was 200.   Still she woke up this morning at 64.  Back to the Halloween candy!

   I'm not sure why she dropped so fast.  Did she not wash all the icing off her fingers?  Did I over correct? Next time we work on the gingerbread house I will be sure to scrub those little fingers of hers!


  1. It's great that she so avidly communicates with you when she is feeling low. That type of recognition, and the ability to drop in levels so quickly is something I wish more people without diabetes understood. Love the blog and email me if you get a moment. Thanks!

  2. I had the same thing happen before when we were decorating shortbread cookies. She kept licking her fingers and went sky high!
